Cannot install Vz home agent

I uninstalled vz home agent becasue it wasn't showing me TV and phone options or a way to change my routers password.

I tried to reinstall it and it gave me the error I already have it installed. I used revo uninstaller to remove it.I manually deleted all verizon files on my system including any I found in a registry.

I've seen other have this issue..Has anyone found out how  to reinstall this?? Also I tried going to to change my router password but My user name and password I had set before no longer works and I've been locked out for too many atempts. So anyone know what i can do to reinstall Vz agent or how to find out the username and pass for the router?

Re: Cannot install Vz home agent
Master - Level 2

Time to press the old RESET button on the back of your router.

Depending on your router it will either:

  • reset the router to ask you for a new admin id and password,
  • reset the router ID to "admin" and the password to "password"
  • reset the router id to "admin" and the password to the serial number of the router

As far as the Vz Home agent, you probably missed uninstalling one of its components (there are at least two).  Make sure you check and uninstall all.  I personally recommend you don't bother reinstalling it as the product does nearly nothing useful and has been known to go haywire and eat up all of a cpu's resources.