Picture size and location

I just switched from RCN to Fios because of a good promotional deal and because Verizon claimed to have such advanced equipment.  I noticed that there was more overscan on my Samsung TV with Verizon than with RCN using the exact same inputs to the TV.  As I was playing around with the various settings in the setup menu, somehow the picture shifted to the right.  Now, when I watch standard programs, the side bar on the left is wider than the one on the right, so that the picture is off-center on the right.  I also notice a little shift to the right on HD.  So, I have 2 questions:  1.  any way to adjust the overscan?  2.  What can I do to get the picture centered left to right?

FYI, I have generally been disappointed with the Fios TV service compared to RCN.  More standard channels show up condensed (bars at the sides and top) on Verizon than they did on RCN, and there is no picture improvement at all over RCN.  Also, I liked the RCN DVR set up better.  

Re: Picture size and location

After two days, the "off-center" problem  I had resolved itself, without me doing anything special.  Weird.