not receiving information sent from specific server

I'm not receiving data sent from a specifc address. Other (non Verizon) users are able to get data from the address. I can send data to it and pinkg and tracert times are good. The vendor needs a check of verion servers to see if there's a specific problem related t otransmitting data from the address. Online Verizon help was of no use since they cant' understand that a ping is only for seeing if you can connect to the servere.

The specific proble is addressed in the following from the data provider's internet support

 Layer 4(transport layer) traffic is not reaching you from our app server with the address They want to know if there's any Verizon issue related to this.

Re: not receiving information sent from specific server
That's a curious question response from a company. Verizon and any isp are only providing layer 1,2 & 3 of the osi model. Any would verizon be involved in layer 4 issues for a particular website? I would think that answer would be pretty obvious.