Lost WGBH 44.1 through 44.4 after service?

We had a Verizon service out today to fix a low signal problem since last week and it was traced to the three-way cable splitter replaced by Verizon last summer during FiOS installation.  The HD STB now reports good signal strength (25 db) from what it was (19 db) and we are finally again able to watch Animal Planet and Smithsonian channels. That is the good part.

The bad part is that we also have a 23" LCD TV on kitchen wall that lost the four WGBH (in Boston) channels 44-1 through 44-4 even after two channel searches. The TV reports very good signal and all other local TV channels are there as far as I can tell, so it is unlikely a problem with the TV's built-in QAM tuner.

Because the TV is mounted on the wall and there is no space for the bulky STB, we rely on the clear QAM signal to watch these channels during meal times and most of the time we tune to 44-2 (WGBH-World).  I will appreciate it very much if any one has an advice on how the channels can be recovered.

Thanks in advance.