Online DVR Manager - error with request to server
Enthusiast - Level 2

Why does the FiOS Online DVR Manager fail to connect to the server so often?  I have had THREE FAILURES this past week, only correctable by unplugging BOTH my modem and my DVR, which is a bit difficult when one is not at one's residence!  It seems that this problem started with the IMG1.9 update, as in the year previous to the update, the server connection failed only ONCE in those twelve months.


And just to be clear, this is not being caused by power failures.  I'd have clocks flashing 12:00 all over my place if the power was glitching.


FYI- I use the Firefox browser and several different OS's to connect- Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows XP64.  The XP64 machine is on the very latest FF version, release 20 and the Online DVR Manager app fails to connect just as often on that machine as the W2K system running FF version 12 (newest for that OS).


People joke about the Blue Screen of Death for Microsoft's products- but Verizon's FiOS Online DVR Manager is so unreliable that it makes Microsoft's operating systems into paragons of coding excellence by comparison.


Isn't it time that Verizon returned to delivering a RELIABLE product for the exorbitant prices you charge?