disconnected services

I submitted a post dated check to Verizon today on my lunch break and they said they would give me a one time curtesy and turn my services back on within the hour, but they are currently still off.  i have my pc hooked up to my verizon cell which is what I accidently paid twice not realizing I didn't pay my cable which is why it got shut off in the first place!  I have an online class that  I need to attend and Scandal, Blacklist and How to Get Away with Murder are all going to be missed tonight.  Please help me get in contact with the appropriate people to turn my services back on.  i can also see the post dated check on my Verizon account so what is the problem?

Re: disconnected services
Moderator Emeritus

Just a friendly reminder, this is a forum where users help other users. It looks like your issue may require a Verizon representative to review your account details. Please visit our Support page for a variety of ways to contact Verizon, including “Ask Verizon,” our virtual chat agent, and customer support phone numbers.