online DVR Manager
New to FIOS and the website but… there is room for improvement. I program for recording approximately 8-10 movies per week based on my paper guides ratings. I want to record these in HD and at a choice of the time when I will record it so it does not conflicts with other series and recording when they are present. I have spent many hours trying to find solution on the web site but each week I continue to have problems. I am extremely disappointed that the DVR manager does not do this efficiently. Here is a list of specific features which I won’t call state of art but which would make the experience more pleasant. 1. Keep the DVR search box open when I return to the page. 2. Allow me to select the channel and time from all options when the search is executed. 3. Notify me when there is a conflict when there are more than two shows selected for recording at the same time. 4. Speed up the programming Please consider how your customer uses your website programming.
Re: online DVR Manager
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