Password reset glitch

Hey guys, no need to help me as there is an easy workaround, but here's some info that needs tech support to fix:

I did a password reset for my account.  I also got a prompt for full security question updates and got an email sent with a verification code to input.

On the page where one does the three-digit verification code, it also wants username and password.  That page has a disconnect with the main site password setup.  The main site had let me input a password with all characters, no digits.  However, that page wouldn't even let me input something unless it was the right format (i.e. had at least one digit).  So of course it never tried to verify my password (wasn't even sending it in, instead prompts for the "right" format).  When I input a password containing a digit (but the wrong password of course), it obviously did try to go verify but came back with an error. 

For me, I'll just go make a password that fits both formats, but you should probably align the password format requirements for these two sections.