Verizon Games on Demand

I have a teenage son who is really into PC gaming.  Does anyone have any experience with Verizon Games on Demand?;jsessionid=F98A27F13039F7E09DEC15F3C1B68CE6.w1

Re: Verizon Games on Demand

I subscribed to it for a couple of  months. It's not a bad deal, depending on what you and your son are looking for.

If he's looking for the newest games with state of the art graphics he may not like it as most of the games are a couple years old. Other than that they do have a nice selection of games and, if I remember correctly, you can download as many games as you like within the plan you choose. The more expensive plans have a larger selection to choose from. He can try a game and play it as long as he's enjoying it. If he doesn't like it, you didn't lose anything, just download a different one.  It's also easy on your computer because it doesn't download the entire game at once (if it's a large game) which could cause a hard drive to fill up pretty fast.

I hope this is some help. I should never try to make sense this late at night.