McAfee Security

I keep getting a message from my McAfee security to allow or block    this    mmci+McciBrowser  but there is no place to check to see if this is a good or bad site.It is very confussing.When we were changed to McAfee from Radiopoint Verizon should have sent out a manual explaining all about McAfee and how to interpet everything!

Re: McAfee Security

@Napa21 wrote:

I keep getting a message from my McAfee security to allow or block    this    mmci+McciBrowser  but there is no place to check to see if this is a good or bad site.It is very confussing.When we were changed to McAfee from Radiopoint Verizon should have sent out a manual explaining all about McAfee and how to interpet everything!

Any time there is an application running on your computer, it may be a good idea to search the web for an answer regarding what it is. I will do a no no and provide an external link. But it is up to you if you wish to block the application for accessing the internet. If it is a legitimate application installed by Verizon for support, you may wish to leave it. If you have the extra verizon support services. If not I would say make it go away. McAfee is asking if you want to block it from accessing the internet. I would say yes until I knew why it were there.

Re: McAfee Security


I would NOT say yes until I knew why it were there.