Hosting Matches for Warcraft 3.

I am trying to figure out how to host Custom Games on warcraft 3.

I have checked around about what ports the game needs to be open and i have tried to port forward them using my verizon account but i am not quite sure if i am doing it correctly. Could someone walk me through opening ports and allowing me to host?

Don't know if this helps but

The settings required for hosting are.

Warcraft III:

- Allow port 6112 TCP out and allow established sessions in

 - Allow port 6112 TCP in (hosting custom games)

- Allow port 6113-6119 TCP out and in (hosting custom games if you've changed the default port in the Options/Gameplay screen)

My router is a versalink 7500 gateway

Re: Hosting Matches for Warcraft 3.
Community Leader
Community Leader
#1 What software firewall is on your computer?

#2 Did you use a port checker?

a) If so, which one did you use?

For example

b) And, what was the result of the port?