Bad website experience and account status never gets updated.


I recently added FIOS service and scheduled for next week and having the worst experience using verizon website. After few hours, I saw that my account is on hold to verify my name and address, so I submitted the form. For few hours, there was no news, so I ended up talking to the customer service through the chat and resolved the issue. However, after few hours (and even now), my account shows "On Hold" visually while I made another call and the representative confirm that it is all good to go.  Why website shows me wrong information? This isn't the first one, but everytime I tried to verify email, it never showed Verified until few hours later. This is awful how website is delivering wrong information and it needs to be fixed, but looks like nobody cares and allow very buggy website to be on live. Long story short, I also had issues adding service using website, so eventually I had to chat, call, then another call to cancel which took 3 hours then after, the representative on the call helped me within 10 mins....

And yes, I am using newly updated chrome, different device, signed on and off multiple times, and also tried private browser but still shows "On Hold". I am not sure if I can rely on making payment using website at this point. Before I am starting FIOS experience, I am already having horrible experience with verizon website experience...