Apex LE/D 4088 Assistance

I saw that there was a group of users who had the Apex 40" LE 4088 television on an earlier post and wanted to follow up with those users as this information doesn't seem to exist anywhere else and customer service with Apex is non-existent.

Does anyone know, or have available to measure, the size and type of screw used to secure the podium to the flatscreen panel? This is not to say the stem, but rather the foot for table-top usage. I apologize if this is off-topic, but I am trying to track this information down and having difficulty.

To make matters worse, I can't just try a bunch of screws or take measurements as my partner has the unit and is two states away and I would like to be able to just order the screws for her online and have them shipped directly to her so this isn't just one more thing for her to deal with on top of moving and starting a new job.

If someone could help out, it would be huge. Cat Very Happy